2017 · Diary · May 2017

Eerily Quiet – 27th May 2017

Gosh, I was bleary eyed this morning, plus my voice had disappeared again. Mr H brought Elliott into bed with us, which was lovely until Elliott jumped out of bed and started attaching the ornaments on my bedside table and I didn’t have a voice to tell him to stop. Coffee helped, although I’ve been pretty sleepy all day.

Breakfast was a bit of disaster. Mango and porridge, we thought. That will be a nice combination, we thought. We were wrong. Mango and porridge separately – yum. Together? Gross! Not even Elf proportions of Maple Syrup could rescue it! Thank goodness for standby Rice Krispies.

I headed to a spa appointment at our local shopping centre this morning. It was eerily quiet – apart from Primark, which is never quiet on a Saturday! It was nice to have a break from being mummy for five minutes as I lay down on the therapists bed and we proceeded to talk about our little ones for the length of the treatment. Being a mum seriously gives you verbal diarrhea about your kids and you’re kind of excited when you find another mum you can talk to about it. It’s nice and sad in equal measures!

I also got into a bit of a Facebook spat today. Robbie and Ticketmaster are still keeping schtum about any potential ticket refunds. I’d backed up some other ladies who had posted on a Robbie post saying they were scared to go, only to have a load of (childless) people tell me I should stop ‘wrapping myself in bubble wrap’. There’s another blog post for another day, but it did rattle my cage!

Washing was duly dropped off at the ‘rents and this afternoon and evening we’ve enjoyed watching the FA Cup final, playing with Lego and just chilling out.

Now I’m off to spend some time with Mr H, ahead of getting my werk, werk, werk, werk on tomorrow morning!

Ciao! x

2017 · Diary · May 2017

Terrorable Times – 25th May 2017

We’re off to see Robbie next month. The tickets arrived today.

Usually I would be really excited about going to see Robbie tour. I don’t think I’ve missed one of his tours in about 15 years which, apart from anything, makes me feel frickin’ old!


This time I’m less certain. There have been a few things in the lead up to the gig. For one, when I booked the tickets I naively thought we would be a bit more sorted with childcare and that maybe Elliott might have done an overnight stay at someone’s house, or be used to someone else taking over the rhythms and routines of his day. Maybe it’s us being too controlling but we’re not really there yet and for a while I wasn’t sure if I was comfortable leaving him for so long and having someone else pick him up from nursery. That in itself was enough to make me question going. I even thought about trying eBay the tickets – crazy talk for a Robbie lover like me!

Even though childcare is sorted now. It’s not sorted, sorted. I still need to go through routines and nursery pick ups and all that kind of stuff.


And, then in the midst of all this. When I’m already feeling uneasy about going there’s Manchester and the worry that comes from attending a concert. I absolutely hate the fact that I feel this way. If I’m honest, if I didn’t have Elliott I think I would be like ‘f**k the terrorists let’s go and have a party’. But – as morbid as it might sound – I have this real fear of going to the concert and not making it back. Of how, weirdly, selfish that would make me. Mum killed going to a concert that she didn’t really need to go to. Of course, this is what those cretins want. They want to stop us living our daily lives…

I don’t have the answer at the minute, but it’s definitely food for thought over the weekend! Out of interest, does anyone else have gig tickets in the coming weeks? If so, how are you feeling about going?


Today, has been scorchio. It’s been so nice to wear a summer dress and no leggings! Although less nice was the fact that I completely lost my voice this morning. I’ve had a sore throat and felt ropey for most of the week, so I think I may have had mild case of laringytis. It seems to be on its way out now though, thank goodness!


Elliott had a lovely day at nursery again. When I went to pick him up it was so warm in his room that he was just there in his T-shirt, nappy and shoes – a sight that definitely made me chuckle! He’s been playing peek-a-boo, lining up the tins from the cooker in the mud kitchen (his favourite part of the garden), pointing out the animals which correspond to the animal sound in the Old MacDonald book and eating and drinking lots.

Free Groceries!

I headed off to Asda this evening to do the weekly shop. We’re trying to cut down on how much we spend and I find I can get better bargains by going in store. I usually feel as though I’ve drawn the short straw but as I left Mr H and Elliott at home and headed to the air conditioned supermarket in my air conditioned car it didn’t feel so bad. I managed to pick up some freebies with my Shopmium app too – woo hoo!

How was your Thursday?


2017 · Diary · May 2017 · Sleep

The trouble with co-sleeping – 24th May 2017


I’ve been straight up knackered today. Elliott woke up at around 9pm last night and was obviously in pain. I was guessing teeth, although it may well have been stomach ache from the way he was writhing around. Calpol and cuddles were administered until he fell asleep on our bed. Mr H tried to transfer Elliott to his cot but, alas, as soon as Mr H picked him up off Elliott started to wail and cry and reach out for me. Co-sleeping it was. The trouble with co-sleeping is the only one who really gets to do any sleeping is your toddler. In between making sure they’re not banging their head on the headboard (or the bit of wood at the bottom), ensuring they’re not going to fall out of bed and that they haven’t secretly woken up and are raided my make-up stash! So Elliott was well rested while the rest of us are knackered.

Afternoon Nap

Of course, Elliott was also the only one who get to take a two hour afternoon nap today, although I must admit at one point this afternoon I was packaging up some boxes and one was just the right height to form a pillow on my desk. It was tempting. I only rested my head there for the briefest nano second, but it was bliss!

Nursery Fun

Sounds like Elliott had an equally enjoyable day at nursery. Splashing around in the paddling pool in the garden and amazing everyone by copying one of the practitioners saying ‘thank you’ as someone held the door open for them. I’m so pleased his manners are started to kick in.

And now I’m off to catch up on all the stuff I didn’t get done last night… Including, if I’m lucky, sleep!


2017 · Diary · May 2017

Manchester – 23rd May 2017

Ugh! Days like today make my heart ache. How the actual fuck can someone think that detonating both themselves and a device in order to kill people will make us sympathetic to their cause? Will make us stop and listen to what they have to say? Will make us sit up and pay attention and say ‘well actually, you may have a point’. And what is their ideology anyway? They use the name of Islam to cause destruction, but they’re not Muslims. Not in the true sense. I just don’t get it.

I don’t really know if pushy door-to-door double glazing sales people exist these days (we don’t really get cold callers thanks to living in an apartment block). They were rife in the 1980s and the common stereotypical image was of them wedging their foot in the door as you tried to close it and tell them you’re not interested. To compare these terrorist to double glazing sales people obviously isn’t fair on the sales men, but hear me out. Realistically you’re never going to purchase something from someone who is pushy. Someone who tries to ram something down your throat. Someone who won’t take no for an answer and will stop at nothing to get what they want. On the flip-side if someone takes the time to have a reasoned debate with you, to highlight the advantages to their product, their way of life, their whatever it is, you’re more likely to listen and make a reasoned choice. ISIS, lone wolf attackers and anyone else who think mass destruction is the answer are so deluded. All it makes us want to do is mute them and focus on the good people in the world.

Sure, their actions get us angry, mad, livid. But how do you reason with someone who has so little respect for themselves, for the religion they’re allegedly fighting in the name of and for the innocent people – including children – who they mindlessly slaughter? I want to be angry, but I can only feel pity.

I looked at Elliott tonight and thought that terrorist was a little boy once. Trying to spoon his pudding into his mouth, dropping crumbs on the floor and probably asking for ‘More milk, mummy!’. What the fuck happened to him to make him carry out that mindless, vile attack? And that’s why, rather than pointing the finger at people who are nothing to do with these atrocities, we again need to pull together, spread the love, hold each other close, help each other and make sure that love conquers.

As for Manchester. I have a deep love for the city. I was a massive Take That fan back in the 1990s and had many trips up there to see them play what was then the Manchester Evening News Arena. I’ve since been there for hen dos, shopping trips to the Trafford Centre, business trips and conferences, to see Peter Kay, George Michael and Robbie Williams. It’s a lovely and ever-changing city. It mixes old with new so brilliantly and the people are some of the friendliest people you will ever meet. One things for sure, Manchester will mourn the loss of the innocent victims with the sombre respect it deserves, but it will not cower in fear instead it will saunter on with a Brit Pop swagger.

Days out · Diary · May 2017 · Sleep

Sunshine and siestas – 22nd May 2017

Argh! I have a sore throat a-flipping-gain. To be honest, it’s not tonsillitis bad and I’m now becoming so used to being ill that I can push on regardless #mumskills!

Bed was so comfortable this morning that when Mr H got up to get ready for bed I asked him to grab Elliott, who was yelling out for us, and see if he would come snuggle with me for a bit. I managed about 10 minutes of cuddles before the dummy throwing lunacy started. But, hey, every second counts!

Elliott has eaten much more today and chomped his way through a large bowl of porridge and raspberries for breakfast. Our first appointment of the day was to pop to my mom’s house to pick up some stuff from my ‘to eBay’ pile. Nanny then accompanied us to the local park for a while and I think had as much fun playing on the children’s playground as Elliott did. It’s so much more fun now he’s a bit more of a daredevil and not afraid to climb the big slide and spin on the round-about. He even decided when he had had enough and walked off towards the gate which was pleasing. So much easier than him having a meltdown when I try to evict him from the play area. We had a quick look at the ducks but Elliott was looking tired, so I bundled him up in the car and we headed into town.

I really thought Elliott would fall asleep in the buggy, but as he hadn’t eaten much yesterday I think tiredness and hunger hit at the same time. Unfortunately I hadn’t bought any lunch with me and as I’m trying not to spend any money at the moment I was a little confused as to what I could offer him. A Organix gingerbread men biscuits left over from his morning snack hit the spot initially. Then I trundled to Boots to redeem some of my Advantage Card points on a lunch we could share – a tomato and mozzerella pasta salad and a flapjack. We sat out in the sunshine and ate together. It was unplanned and really fun. Elliott’s face when I accidentally dropped some pasta on him was hilarious and the way he was waving to the birds (or birdie wirdies as he likes to call them at the moment) was super-cute. We picked up our shopping and Elliott had fallen asleep on the way back to the car.

It’s amazing how much friendlier people are when the sun is shining isn’t it? I was having little micro chats with everyone today – it’s so nice.

When we got home I popped Elliott in his cot and set to doing some housework. Elliott had a super-long nap so I actually got a lot done. I actually had to wake him at about 4pm and even when he was awake he was quite content to lay in his nursery and watch me put his clothes away.

Not an exciting day, but a lovely and productive day nonetheless. Now, at 9:15pm I need to continue in that vein… A mama’s work is never done…

2017 · Diary · May 2017

Everything’s going swimmingly? – 21st May 2017

This morning was lovely. Blue skies. Sunshine. A hint of spring to the air. Granted, I was tired from staying up late the previous night to discuss finances with Mr H, but a coffee soon solved that. It was my turn to be a Poolside Spotter at Elliott’s swimming class this morning and it was gorgeous to see how much he’s come on since I was last poolside. He has such a love for the water and was literally smiling from ear-to-ear as Mr H swooshed him through the H20 (although not so much when he forgot to hold his breath on the seal dive, poor little mite).

Post swimming we headed to a new coffee shop to refuel and had a quick catch-up with Mr H’s sister, before heading home for lunch. Elliott was showing signs of tiredness whilst we supped our cappuccinos so we fully expected him to be asleep on the drive home and he did just that. Unfortunately he didn’t stay asleep when we got him out of the car. Cue an interesting afternoon of him refusing food and being supremely over-tired. At one stage I decided to try to snuggle up with him on the sofa and put the news on as background muzak. Quite often putting something boring on the TV sends Elliott into the land of nod. Instead Elliott seemed fascinated as Donald Trump addressed the sea of world leaders gathered together in Saudi Arabia.

Elliott did eventually get to sleep at around 4pm. As a last ditch attempt Mr H tried him in his cot and after fighting the Zzzz’s for a little while he did take a short nap. To be honest, he’s not really been himself since after swimming. It look as though he’s getting yet another viral rash – oh joy – and his cheek is so rosy red that he must be hardcore teething.

Mr H and I were anxiously wanting to continue our chat from last night to put into place our strategy for boosting our finances, but alas it had to wait, with both of us becoming more and more angst ridden about how we were going to afford the things we want in life in our current financial predicament.

We did eventually get to have that chat once Elliott had gone to bed, which was a bit of a mission in itself as he procrastinated by carrying his book between us continually and stage managing us to sit in different places in his nursery. In terms of the finances we’ve drawn up an action plan, which means a lot of hard work. I’ve started on my action plan this evening by applying for some weekend work, preparing a CV for some other weekend work (in case the first application doesn’t work its magic – don’t worry, I’m not crazy enough to take on two weekend jobs!) and having a look at some work from home opportunities. I’ve tried my hand at some transcribing tests, but, to be honest, I’m a bit rubbish (and slow) at the moment, so I think I need a bit more practice before I sign up for that. I hate that everything is about the money at the moment, but it’s not in a blingin’ sense, it’s in a sensible we want a good future for our little one sense, so…


2017 · Diary · May 2017 · Sleep

Over-tired toddler – 19th May 2017

It’s not even 1pm and yet I felt compelled to write today’s diary entry. You see, I have a feeling that this evening all I will be good for is curling up on the sofa in my PJs, glass of something alcoholic in one hand, block of something chocolatey in another and a screen showing something trashy wedged in front of my eyeballs!

Elliott decided to wake at 5:45am today. Now I know for some of you baby and toddler mama’s that’s the norm, but for us it’s really not so it was a bit of a rude awakening to say the least. Breakfast went well, even managed to get Elliott dancing to a bit of Queen whilst he chowed down on his porridge. Mr H would be proud.

CBeebies took care of the childcare whilst I sorted the washing up and tidying. Then followed a huge stinky nappy where I resorted to putting an episode of Peppa Pig on my iPhone beside Elliott to keep him still, because, well, it wouldn’t have been pretty if he had decided to move mid nappy change!

We headed into town at around 10am. First to the Post Office to take in my latest eBay sales. I didn’t charge enough for postage for some of them this time around and although I still made a profit it’s not as much as I would have hoped it would be. Lesson learned.

Next up we went to Specsavers to get my glasses tightened as Elliott keeps bending them so they’re too big for my head. No mean feat considering how big my head actually is! They’ve changed the layout in our local Specsavers and it’s now impossible to stand anywhere with the buggy without being in the way. Hmmm…

Next up the loo for me and a nappy change for Elliott. Then Tesco for cheese where Elliott made friends with one of the members of staff there. It really does make me so proud to see how happy Elliott makes people. And finally onto the library for Rattle and Rhyme. We were a little early so looked through the books and caught up with my NCT friend. Unfortunately by the time Rattle and Rhyme had begun Elliott was completely over-tired and didn’t want to join in. Instead he ran up and down the library, tried to make a break for freedom through the automatic doors and became obsessed with just about every part of the library except the bit that Rattle and Rhyme was taking place in.

I did manage to man handle him over to the group for a short time but then he started stealing instruments and literally had to be held on my lap so that he didn’t escape again – not fun for either of us. At one point he just lay on my lap and you could see in his eyes that he was literally shattered. I never knew a one year old could have such bags under their eyes!

Now we’re home and after a little resistance Elliott is tucked up in his cot. I’m sorting out our finances – bleak! Well, not that bleak. We’re not poor but we do need to reign things in a bit, supping a coffee and wondering what to get up to when Elliott wakes up being as it’s teeming down with rain a-bloomin-gain!

How’s your Friday?

2017 · Days out · Diary · May 2017

Lego and the lurg. 13th – 18th May 2017

IMG_0418Ah, there’s nothing like a stinky cold to put a dampener on the best laid plans. I came down with a sore throat last Wednesday, felt grotty on Thursday, a bit better on Friday and a whole lot better on Saturday morning, which was handy, as that was when we had plans to celebrate Mr H’s birthday.


We breakfasted in the park (yummy!), chased Elliott back to the car and then bundled him in and drove to Wolverhampton to take in the Lego exhibition at Wolverhampton Art Gallery.


A quick pit-stop in the cafe and we were ready to explore. To be honest I was expecting more Lego models of a grand scale. If I’m truly honest, I guess I was expecting a mini Legoland Windsot.


Instead, it was mostly prints of scenes from films recreated in Lego and some complex but small Lego models.


Each room of the exhibition did come complete with its own box of Lego and Elliott was in his element in the room with the super-large rubbery Lego bricks and Duplo, as was Mr H.


Getting Elliott to nap was tricky, we tried wandering around other parts of the museum, but it was just too stimulating for him. He particularly enjoyed pressing the buttons and making contraptions come to life in a section of the museum devoted to mechanical artwork..


In the end we took a wander around Wolverhampton city centre. I love the place (I went to university there) but with it’s boarded up shops and lack-lustre high street it’s enough to send anyone to sleep.


Our plan worked and we returned to the museum to eat our lunch among various sculptures. We then waited for Elliott to wake for his lunch and then waited for him to eat it. By the time we moved from our seats we were stiff from sitting still for so long. Something we rarely do now we have a toddler in tow!

On the evening Mr H and I headed to Pizza Express for a date night birthday meal. The food was scrumptious and it was nice to get out and have some adult conversation with my other half. Shame that Elliott was a little monkey who refused to settle before we went out. Unfortunately , it was Saturday evening when my cold decided to make it’s come back and I could feel a familiar tickle in my nostrils. I tried to put it down to hayfever, but deep down I knew it wasn’t.

Sunday was Mr H’s actual birthday. He went swimming with Elliott in the morning and then we went for coffee in Cafe Nero. I purchased a birthday balloon to embarrass him with and tied it to the back of his chair in the cafe. We got home and lunched on salad. I grated some of my thumb into the salad too – ouch! Then Nev’s family came over for gift giving, cake and coffee. My nose was still snuffly but I still tried to convince myself that it was hayfever. Again, it wasn’t.

Monday and the washing machine repair man was due. He came, he saw, he ordered parts so it’s still not fixed. I had plans to catch up with a mummy friend in the afternoon bbut by now I had admitted to myself that it wasn’t hayfever and that I felt shocking. Elliott seemed grumpy too, so we played a bit in the morning before both having a nap on the sofa. The afternoon was spent trying to think up activities to do with Elliott which didn’t involve too much moving!

Tuesday was back to work and I still felt rough. Costa has been my saviour this week. Well, apart from the day where I gestured a bit too wildly and knocked an entire medium Americano over my work desk! This week has probably been one of the first week’s when I’ve had the ‘Sunday night’ feeling of not really wanting to go back to work (albeit my Sunday night feeling comes on a Monday) but actually it’s been a pretty productive and enjoyable week. It’s funny how we demonise things before they’ve even played out sometimes.

We’ve moved Elliott’s bed time forward this week as he was struggling to settle over the weekend which we reckon was because he was over tired. We’ve also slightly changed his night time routine by giving him his bottle in his book and then reading his book in there too. Seems to be working thus far…

So, not the most exciting of updates. More lurg and not many blog posts. Hopefully normal service will be resumed soon!

2017 · Days out · May 2017

He ate some apple! – 12th May 2017

No diary update from me yesterday as I was full of cold, feeling sorry for myself and in need of zonking out on the sofa. All throughout the day at work I just wanted to cradle my head in my hands on my desk and have a quick forty winks. I even considered sneaking off to my car for a little lunchtime siesta, but I was worried I may feel worse instead of better so I continued using imaginary matchsticks until I arrived home.

I woke up this morning feeling groggy but a little better. Elliott did the decent thing and didn’t wake until after 7am so that helped. I knew I was on the road to recovery when I supped my morning Lemsip and it tasted foul. I really didn’t want to take Elliott to Rattle & Rhyme but I knew that not taking him would not only be selfish but would also mean I had to try to entertain him, so off we trotted.

The weather was vile this morning so we drove to the library, which, if you knew how close we live to town, really is ridiculous. We headed to Tesco first and then onto the library. Elliott was a bit dazed to begin with. The box of instruments was opened just behind where he was standing but he seemed oblivious both to the box and also to all of the kids now swamped around him. Eventually he came to and enjoyed playing his instruments and dancing around to the songs, as well as pulling random books off the shelves and passing them to me.

Elliott usually naps after Rattle & Rhyme but today he was full of beans so we decided to have lunch together first. Well, after Elliott had helped me unpack the shopping and used the Iceberg lettuce that I’d purchased as a football… We lunched on pizza toast. I’m on a bit of a frugal drive at the moment and we had leftover cheese, tomato puree and ham so they were spread on some crusts of bread and toasted.

Elliott did eventually go down for his nap after lunch, but it was a battle! At first he just wailed as I popped him in the cot and I had to leave the room as there was no way he was going to realise he was sleepy with me in there. I went back in when he was still upset but had calmed a little and he caved and lay down, held my hand and fell to sleep. I was sneakily checking Facebook on my phone underneath his cot. Bad mummy!

Elliott had a good nap. I sat down with my cold coffee and watched an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians. I know! But what can I say? I’ve tried yoga and meditation but nothing relaxes me quite so much as an episode of the Kardashians! Then I washed up, prepped tea, tidied up, backed up my camera, did my finances… It’s amazing what you can achieve in a short space of time when you have a little one. Those tasks would have taken me all day before I had a child!

Once Elliott woke up he didn’t really want to get out of his cot which was slightly strange! When he eventually did get out we had a snack together: apple, sultanas and white chocolate buttons with almond butter. Elliott loves almond butter and was keen for me to scoop every last smidgen out of the bowl and feed it to him on a slice of apple. Then he really surprised me by actually eating his apple!!

Dinner was fajitas – always a tasty treat, even if Elliott does insist on only eating the yoghurt, cheese and wraps! And, now I’m trying to tick a few more things off that never ending to do list in the hope that I can sneak in another episode of the Kardashians before bed!

2017 · Diary · May 2017

Potty training?! – 10th May 2017

So, I go to collect Elliott from nursery today and he’s in the garden, sweeping up – bless him. Out of choice, I might add. Elliott likes a good bit of tidying and cleaning up. His key worker bustles over to me:

“We’ve had a bit of a milestone today” she says,

“Elliott did his first wee in the potty!” she adds

“Wow!” I counter, stunned.

Potty training is something we’ve thought about, we even have a potty ready in anticipation, but it’s not something I’ve researched, nor is it something I’m itching to instigate at present.

At first I was really proud and, of course, I still am.

But as I drove back from nursery I became a little deflated. For one, this is the first ‘first’ that nursery have had instead of us. Parents who put their kids into nursery early must feel this all of the time as they miss their child’s first steps or first words. We were fortunate to enjoy all those moments at home, so I felt a bit annoyed that the nursery had ‘stolen’ this milestone from me.

Secondly, at parents evening when I asked about potty training. They said they would follow our lead and do whatever we do at home. So how come they’re ‘trying him on the potty’ before I am? And creating wall charts with stickers as rewards before I’ve even thought about how I want to potty train Elliott? I haven’t done my research yet but if it’s like anything else with children there’s bound to be multiple theories as to how it should be done.

Then I thought SHIT (literally) if they start doing it at nursery we’ve got to start doing it at home and I’m honestly not sure that I’m ready yet. There are certain advantages to Elliott still being in nappies. Besides, I’m not sure that he’s ready yet either. He can tell us once he has done a poo but not before. If he’s on the potty at nursery but not at home surely he’s going to get really confused?!

Argh! How can there be so many emotions about going for a sodding wee on a piece of moulded plastic?

On the plus side we had a family outing to McDonalds after dinner. I’d had a bit of a frustrating day (and that was before ‘pottygate’) and a stupid sore throat so we decided to go and treat ourselves to some McFlurry’s courtesy of Ronald McD. On the way back home loads of vintage cars were pulling up for a ‘meet’ at a nearby pub – there were some seriously gorgeous American muscle cars revving their engines, much to Mr H’s delight.

This evening I’ve been looking at the online shop and trying to figure out how we could save some money on it. I’ve figured out we could save almost £13 by visiting Tesco and Sainsbury’s instead of ordering our usual online shop. Doesn’t sound a lot, but when you times that by 52, it soon starts to add up! We spend way too much on groceries so anything that helps us save some money is good with me. I know where I’lll be going tomorrow night now!